Tuesday, January 06, 2009



The tragedy is ended
There remains only the satyr play
I am only the shadow of myself
Why should it be so hard to run away from one's own shadow?
So if we enjoy the taste os sex or love,
We must know how to steer away from both

I stopped loving
I stopped enjoying food
I stopped smelling the flower
I stopped listening psalm singing

I have asked myself,
What will be left in the end of our life on earth
If you had only keep quiet,
One would have gone on believing you
But I no longer hold out any hope that words i write will truly reach you.

"Oleum et Operam Perdidi"
I have spilt my oil and my effort

Life is short and we know far too little
I have spoken and I have unleashed my soul.
Vale! Farewell!

*Goodbye taken from Codex Floriae

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